September 10, 2008

Hiking at Rampart Reservoir with Andre & Dakota

Over the weekend we drove up to Rampart Reservoir with Andre & Dakota. (Andre is a 7 year old shar pei and Dakota is a 2.5 year old lab.) It's been a while since took them up there, last summer actually. After leaping from the 4Runner wa are on our way. It's about a half hour hike down to the reservoir. Since we're usually the only ones up there it's a great time for them to have some off-leash hiking. Even though they stay pretty close, I think they love the freedom. At the first sight of water Dakota starts running, and there is no stopping him. It's too bad we're in the middle of a square state and water is few and far between. Andre stays close to the shore and waits for us to keep moving along. She is usually the first one that is ready make the hike back.

Enjoy the pictures, I enjoyed taking them.


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